Pathos Team

Great success from PATHOS in master week

Great success from PATHOS in master week

What a great success for Pathos in “Semana Master 2020” in Palma de Mallorca! We got 2 gold medals, 1 silver medal and a medal in the 4th place! In more detail,


succeeded in the individual “XIX Master”

PATHOS BALEARES – CASA CALICO (Carlos and David Martorell-Juan Campin)

have taken the first place in the “Open International Sebastian Carbonbell”

PATHOS INTERNATIONAL (Giacomo De  Mola, Oscar Lopez, Kostas Makris, Captain Mirco Ominetti)

was second in “Team World Cup”

RAYCO GARCIA and his team

have taken the 4th place in the “Open International Sebastian Carbonell”.

WELL DONE we are so proud of you!